WHAT WE CAN DOMental Health Therapy


Receive Professional Support for Your Mental Health Needs

Get Started with Our Mental Health Therapy Services Today - Contact Us Now!

At Reme Healthcare, we understand that mental health is just as important as physical health. That’s why we offer comprehensive and personalized mental health therapy services to help you manage various mental health concerns. Our experienced and compassionate team of mental health professionals is dedicated to providing you with the support and resources you need to achieve optimal mental health and well-being.


Experience Compassionate and Professional Support for Your Mental Health Needs

About mental Health Therapy Services:

Mental health therapy is a personalized and comprehensive approach to managing mental health concerns, provided by experienced and compassionate mental health professionals. It includes individual therapy, group therapy, couples, and family therapy, and utilizes customized care plans tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

Our Mental Health Therapy Services focus on: 

  • Providing comprehensive and personalized therapy services to manage a variety of mental health concerns
  • Utilizing experienced and compassionate mental health professionals to provide support and resources for achieving optimal mental health and well-being
  • Offering convenient telehealth and home visit options for therapy sessions
  • Addressing all aspects of mental health needs, including medication management, individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy
  • Developing customized care plans tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each patient

Our Mental Health Therapy Services Include:

Individual Therapy

Our individual therapy services provide you with the opportunity to work one-on-one with a licensed mental health professional. Through these sessions, you can gain insight into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and learn strategies to manage your mental health concerns effectively.

Group Therapy

Group therapy provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to connect with others who are facing similar mental health challenges. Our groups are facilitated by licensed mental health professionals and cover a range of topics, including anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Couples and Family Therapy

Couples and family therapy services help improve communication, resolve conflicts, and build stronger relationships. Our licensed mental health professionals work with you and your loved ones to identify and address the underlying issues that are affecting your relationships.

Why Choose Reme Healthcare for Your Mental Health Therapy Needs?

Compassionate and Empathetic Care

Our team of mental health professionals is dedicated to providing compassionate and empathetic care to each patient, ensuring they feel safe and supported throughout their journey.

Experienced Mental Health Professionals

Our team comprises licensed and experienced mental health professionals with specialized expertise in various mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more.

Comprehensive Care Approach

We take a holistic approach to mental health therapy, addressing all aspects of our patient's mental health needs, including medication management, individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy.

Customized Care Plans

We understand that each patient's mental health needs are unique, which is why we develop personalized care plans tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each patient.

Convenient Telehealth Services

With our telehealth services, patients can receive mental health therapy from the comfort of their own homes, reducing travel time and increasing accessibility.

Efficient Care Coordination

Our team works closely with primary care physicians, psychiatrists, and other relevant healthcare providers to ensure seamless care coordination and comprehensive support for our patients.
What our clients say
"Reme Healthcare's mental health therapy services have truly transformed my life. Their team of experienced professionals helped me navigate my mental health struggles with compassion and empathy."
Sarah K., Patient
What our clients say
"I am so grateful for Reme Healthcare's telehealth mental health therapy services. They have made it easy and convenient for me to prioritize my mental health from the comfort of my own home."
John P
What our clients say
"Reme Healthcare's home visits have blessed my elderly parents. Their compassionate care has significantly improved their quality of life."
Jessica M., the Patient's Daughter


How do I start with Mental Health Therapy services at Reme Healthcare?

To get started with our mental health therapy services, simply contact our team by phone or email. We’ll guide you through the process and schedule your first appointment based on your individual needs and preferences.

Do you offer group therapy and family therapy services?

Yes, Reme Healthcare offers group therapy and family therapy services as part of our comprehensive mental health therapy approach. Our mental health professionals are experienced in addressing the unique needs of each patient and their loved ones.

What type of mental health concerns do you specialize in?

Our team of mental health professionals specializes in addressing a wide range of mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and more. We work with each patient to develop a personalized care plan that meets their unique needs and preferences.

Does insurance cover the Transitional Care Management program?

 Many insurance plans cover Transitional Care Management services. We recommend contacting your insurance provider to verify coverage for our TCM program.

Get Started with Reme Healthcare for Your Mental Health Needs

Ready to experience the difference that Reme Healthcare's Mental Health Therapy can make in your life? Reach out to our team today to learn more and schedule your first appointment. Together, we'll work towards achieving optimal mental health and well-being.

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    SUN | 9am to 5pm
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    fax # 18882805771
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    1000 W. Wilshire Blvd,
    Suite 403C
    Oklahoma City, OK 73104
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